From here, you could simply have other teams guess what each table drew, guess who drew it, or let everyone vote on their favorite. Keep passing every 10-15 seconds until everyone at the table or in the team has had a chance to add to the drawing. Afterward, they should pass it to another person on their team to add to the drawing. Give one person at the table 15 seconds to draw something on a piece of paper. This is an especially great game to play in small teams (like at each table in your kindergarten classroom). That player becomes the new “It” and everyone can start over, again.

Each time “It” calls a new corner, the numbers will dwindle until only one player remains. “It” will count, again and your kids should continue to scramble to different corners. Anyone in that corner must return to their desk. When they’re done counting, “It” will call out a the number or name of one of the corners - “Corner 2,” for instance. While “It” is counting, have everyone else scramble to the corner of their choice. Have “It” stand in the middle of the room, close their eyes, and count to ten. Start by labeling each corner of your room with a number. Do you remember exactly how it’s played? We don’t! Once you get the hang of it, though, this game’s sense of excitement and urgency is a great way to shake out the post-lunch haze. Hot Potato Gameĭo you remember playing Hot Potato as a kid? Sure. Can they make that number or letter by contorting their bodies or just holding that number of fingers up? Can they do a good impersonation of an elephant? If their team can guess what they’re doing, they get a point. Instead of writing down ideas, use things like animal, number or letter flashcards that they can draw out of a hat. Smaller children may not be ready for miming “Where The Red Fern Grows.” They can, however, play a version that’s on their level. So, when looking for ways to appease bored kiddos, look no further than kindergarten classroom games like the ones below. They can educate and entertain little ones better than anyone else. The best teachers can foster those skills by playing games in their kindergarten classroom. One very big part of kindergarten, though, is learning to socialize - to share, converse, and play together. They’ll also learn to count to about 30 and be able to add and subtract numbers less than ten.
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By the time our kids finish kindergarten, they’ll know how to identify and write all 26 alphabet letters, make their sounds, and read simple sight words. Let’s not get it twisted: Kindergarten is important. You need some kindergarten classroom games.

Or, perhaps, you’re just looking for ways to entertain your 5 to 7 year olds at home. Looking to entertain some kindergarten-aged kiddos? Maybe you’re a teacher with a kindergarten class stuck inside on a snow day or a mama about to embark on homeschooling a kindergartener during the pandemic.